

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Silent Night Deadly Night In Theaters Now!!!

It is almost Christmas time and what better way to celebrate than with a great Christmas Horror flick like the classic 1984 Silent Night Deadly Night!!! Thanks to Fangoria, Justin Beahm and Screenvision Horror fans have the opportunity to see one of my all time favorite slasher films in select theaters. Silent Night Deadly Night began a limited release in theaters all across the US on December 4th and I was fortunate to have been able to see it on the big screen last night. Fangoria is boasting a HD transfer of the film, now I am not going to be to critical here but I need to mention that the picture quality for me was about the same as a DVD picture. You say did that hurt or distract you while watching the film? NO!!!!! I honestly have to say as I sat in the theater I was taking back to an almost grindhouse, Drive-In experience which I thought was great. I know there are going to be viewers who will say the picture was not great, there was no 5 point surround etc... but I want the viewers to keep in mind this is a film that was released in 1984 and has had very little DVD exposure. So before you criticize keep this in mind and just enjoy this film as much as I did for the fact that it is on a big Screen!!! 
Would I recommend viewers to spend there hard earned money to go and watch Silent Night Deadly Night? I answer this with a 100% YES!!!! So don't miss out on the opportunity to support these films being re-released as it takes US going to possibly have more films released in the future!!! 
Here is the link for Screenvision on the list of Theaters showing Silent Night Deadly Night..
By: GregaMortis

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