

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Land Of The Creeps Episode 067 : Early Years Of Mario Bava

 Download Welcome to episode 67 of LOTC. During this episode GregaMortis and Dr. Shock take a look at the early years of Director Mario Bava with 3 of his films, Black Sunday, Black Sabbath and Hatchet For The Honeymoon. You will not want to miss this episode. So sit back and turn up your volume and listen to the guys discuss these films. HELP KEEP HORROR ALIVE!!!!!!

Movie Reviews

1960 Black Sunday
Dr. Shock : 10
GregaMortis : 10
DVD Purchase
Blu-Ray Purchase

1963 Black Sabbath
Dr. Shock : 9.5
GregaMortis : 10
DVD Purchase
Blu-Ray Purchase

1970 Hatchet For The Honeymoon
Dr. Shock : 6
GregaMortis : 7


  1. Hey guys, I've been listening to this podcast after following a link from the Horror Movie Podcast and I love what I've heard so far. I especially enjoy that you guys cover a lot of older movies from the genre. I don't know if it makes me a bit of a snob but I can't help being a little disenfranchised with the majority of modern horror (particularly the mainstream) but there's such a wealth of wonderful and important movies from the last century that I feel are often overlooked. In the past I've seen horror fans dismiss the older movies for being too slow or tame or even just for being black and white so it's reassuring to see such hardcore horror fans as yourselves appreciating stuff like Bava , the Universal monster movies and Hitchcock (and I'd definitely love to hear a full episode on his movies!).I love myself some gory splatterfests but to me these venerable old flicks are special because they deal more in atmosphere than grue or fast-paced editing. I think that atmosphere and mood are the most effective weapons in the horror movie arsenal and if more modern film-makers paid better attention to these grey-haired relics then the genre would be in a better state today. Anyway, enough of my beer-addled rambling. Thanks for the great podcast guys!


    1. Hello David, I am so glad you have stumbled upon us. I love Horror Movie Podcast and I am honored you have checked us out. Yes we tend to stick with the older flicks much for the reasons you mentioned. I hope you will continue to listen and be sure to subscribe to us on ITunes and if you have a mobile device hit us up on Stitcher. Be sure to share this Podcast with all your friends. Thanks for the great comment. GregaMortis

    2. Unfortunately I don't have iTunes and my mobile phone is older than time itself, I'm a bit of caveman when it comes to technology. I'll try to spread the word though and I'll definitely keep listening. I've been going back through some of the older episodes this week and I can say that you guys not only talk about some great movies but you're also hilarious! There's some comedy gold buried in these podcasts, especially the banter between yourself and HH! :-]

      - David
