

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Land Of The Creeps Episode 073 : Have You Given Blood Lately?

Download Welcome to episode 73 of LOTC. Have you given blood lately? Well during this episode Blade will take your blood. That's right the crew covers all 3 Blade films starring Wesley Snipes. We are joined by special guest Wildman Willis from Terror Troop. During this episode you will hear lots of talk about Blade and his parts in comic books and many other great insight. You will not want to miss this episode for sure.
Also as we begin this episode we introduce our newest member to the LOTC Crew. Jessie Robbins who has been on the last few episodes joins us full time. We are very excited to welcome her to the family and we look forward to the future of LOTC. Be sure to help us welcome Jessie to the family.

Movie Reviews :
1998 Blade
Haddonfield Hatchet : 8
Doc Shock : 7.5
Jessie : 7
Willis : 8.5
GregaMortis : 7

4 Pk DVD Purchase

2002 : Blade 2
Haddonfield Hatchet : 6
Doc Shock : 7.5
Jessie : 6.5
Willis : 8
GregaMortis : 7.5

2004 Blade 3
Haddonfield Hatchet : 7
Doc Shock :
Jessie : 7
Willis : 6
GregaMortis : 7.5

Wildman Willis Links :
Terror Troop

LOTC Links :


Haddonfield Hatchet

Dr. Shock


  1. Personally I don't mind the first two Blade movies but I'm not generally a fan of vampires, especially ones that go to nightclubs, so I doubt I'd come in any higher than a 6/10 on either of them. I was really surprised with the ratings you guys gave to Blade: Trinity though. I hated that movie. That scene where Jessica Biels character is "making playlists" before going into battle made me feel like the movie was violating me with an I-pod. There's nothing I hate more in a script than lame "hip" characters with stupid quirks that are meant to pander to a modern tech-savy audience! Still a great and entertaining episode though. Willis' Busta Rhymes impression came out of nowhere and had me crying with laughter.

  2. Thanks David for the great comment. I don't know why I enjoyed the 3rd one but I am weird like that lol. I know what your saying with the playlist thing. That made no sense. Willis is so good with impressions and when I went to edit this episode I was taking a drink at that scene and spit the drink out in laughter. Thanks for listening with us!!!
