

Friday, June 12, 2015

Land Of The Creeps Episode 102 : Jason X Commentary With Todd Farmer

Welcome to a bonus LOTC episode. You are about to listen to Episode 102, a running commentary of Jason X, with the writer and actor Todd Farmer. Why did Jason go to Space? What inspired this film? Where was Jason X filmed? These are just some of the questions fans ask and you will be able to find out from the man who penned it down. This was a very fun ride but also informative. So get your Jason X movie ready and listen as you watch.

As a bonus Todd Farmer wants our help. There is a film that needs our help to get finished. The name of the film is Slay Belles Directed By: Spooky Dan and a crew of who's who in the business. Also Slay Belles has an all-star cast. So lets do our part to help Slay Belles get finished. How can I help you might ask. Thanks for asking, here is what you can do. Give money is a big help, below will be a link to the Slay Belles indiegogo page. Click on the link and you can donate what ever you like. There are some really cool perks if you give certain amounts, but every dollar will help. If you donate at least $25 you will be entered in a drawing. Every $25 you give gets you in the drawing for an amazing prize. Todd Farmer himself is going to give away the last Jason X poster he owns, signed by Himself, Tyler Mane, Derek Mears and lots of others to be named at the end of the campaign. This poster will be a great collectors item for sure. Below is a link to Todd Farmers site giving you further details. Next if you can't give money you can do the next best thing and that is share the Slay Belles indiegogo page on all your social media sites. Call your friends and family. Word of mouth is huge when trying to get a film completed. So that is it. Thank You so much fans.
Enjoy this episode, and until next time HELP KEEP HORROR ALIVE!!!!

Slay Belles indiegogo site
Todd Farmers Site

LOTC Links :


Haddonfield Hatchet

Dr. Shock
DVD Infatuation Website

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