Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Land Of The Creeps Episode 193 : Horror In 1974

Richard Nixon resigned as President of the United States, Connect Four was introduced, GI Joe with the Kung-Fu grip was released but more importantly Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre was unleashed on the world, yes the year is 1974 and LOTC is back with our Through The Decades episode. This week on episode 193 Dave Doctor Shock Becker and GregaMortis are joined by Bill Van Veghel and they will take you deep into the movies released in 1974. Satan, killer dozers, exorcisms, killer ants and chainsaw wielding maniac are just a few elements in this episode. So sit back pop your popcorn and turn up the volume and put your bell bottom jeans on and enjoy this visit to the past. Please share this episode with everyone you can. Thank You in advance for that. Also on this weeks show we discuss the contest for our new theme intro. Once again we are asking for your help as we are looking for a new theme song that You feel will sound great for the show. We have had a good response thus far but are looking for many more. The rules are very simple once again, no copyrighted material or sound bites from movies that are not public domained. That is it. Pretty simple. Once you create your 30sec to 1 minute clip send the audio file to gregamortis666@gmail.com with contest as the subject line. That is it. We will be picking our favorite three songs. What will the top three entries receive you ask. We will be putting together three amazing gift packages that will include 1 Land Of The Creeps exclusive TShirt that no one else has except for LOTC members. That would be enough you think? But wait that is just the start, Your name will be mentioned on each and every episode as well as in the show notes. You will receive full credit for your song. Also some other exclusive prizes. So get busy and send the songs as soon as you can.

Bill Van Veghel Link

LOTC Links :


Haddonfield Hatchet

Dr. Shock
Universal Monster Cast
We Deal In Lead
Horror Movie Podcast

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Land Of The Creeps Episode 192 : Director's Spotlight Brian De Palma

We are back!! After a little hiatus due to GregaMortis moving LOTC is in full swing and WOW do they knock it out of the park with this episode. This week Dave " Doctor Shock " Becker, Bill Van Veghel and GregaMortis tackle the filmography of one of the greatest directors of our time Brian De Palma. With titles such as Carrie, Blow Out and Phantom Of The Paradise and many others the crew breaks down his hits and misses. You will not want to miss this episode. As a bonus Dave and GregaMortis start the show with talks about Jordan Peele's newly released US as well as the new Pet Semetary. So buckle up and take a journey with Land Of The Creeps.

Help Keep Horror Alive!!

Bill Van Veghel Link
LOTC Links :


Haddonfield Hatchet

Dr. Shock
Universal Monster Cast
We Deal In Lead
Horror Movie Podcast